Looking for hot-benching space for a few key experiments or allocated bench space to accommodate a growing team? If so, LiveLabs at Babraham Research Campus is ready to welcome you!
We have lab space available now, offering a flexible, co-working environment with fully serviced and equipped labs ideal for molecular biology and cell culture work. If you're just starting out, LiveLabs provides the perfect setting for early-stage life science ventures.
Get in touch today to secure your space!
Get a sneak peak of LiveLabs in this virtual tour. This exciting, innovative, flexible and collaborative environment not only provides physical lab space but also all the support you'll need to help supercharge your discovery. Want to find out more? Contact us to arrange a visit for the opportunity to meet the team and take a real tour of the facilities to experience everything LiveLabs at Babraham Research Campus has to offer.
Get a sneak peak of LiveLabs in this virtual tour. This exciting, innovative, flexible and collaborative environment not only provides physical lab space but also all the support you'll need to help supercharge your discovery. Want to find out more? Contact us to arrange a visit for the opportunity to meet the team and take a real tour of the facilities to experience everything LiveLabs at Babraham Research Campus has to offer.
Book a tour to view Live Labs in action.
Ruth Campbell joined Campus back in August 2022 as Lab Operations Manager, read the interview here to learn about her inspiring career and role on Campus.
Are you a start-up looking to locate within one of the best life science ecosystems in Europe? To find out more about LiveL@bs membership and how it could accelerate your research get in touch below.
Partners and Investors...
If you would like to discuss a start-up venture you think would benefit from LiveLabs membership, or want to partner with us to offer LiveLabs space to individuals/companies you invest in please contact us.
To Sponsors...
Do you have a new technology that could benefit from input from Campus companies? Are you interested in supporting start-ups get off
the ground? Would you like to become part of the LiveLabs community? If you would like to discuss sponsorship options, including placing shared equipment in LiveLabs, please contact:
Louise Jopling, Chief Scientific & Innovation Officer
Telephone: +44 (0)7795 287 015
Email: Louise.jopling@babraham.co.uk